I lived with pain until…


Hi, I’m Drew. I developed themonkeybody™ method out of sheer necessity.

A professional violist who struggled for years with hypermobility and repetitive strain injuries, I long sought a method that would empower me to rehabilitate and strengthen my body so that I could live pain-free.

After extensive study of Pilates, Gyrotonic, Yamuna Body Rolling, and Core Movement Integration, I developed a proprietary method of centripetal conditioning that combines elements of each of these modalities with the theories of bodywork and neuroscience experts such as Tom Myers, Judith Aston, Stephen Porges, and Mela Tenenbaum. themonkeybody™ method brings clients back to their primal roots, reminding them how their body was originally meant to move.

In keeping with my goal to empower each and every client, I provide Zoom recordings of each session as well as customized sequences from my video manual. I look forward to helping you create a pain-free life.

Drew Ricciardi, creator + founder of themonkeybody